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I would like to thank all of you who have purchased "Life After Yes" and have been patiently waiting for your copies. In light of several changes that occurred during Covid-19 that caused the book's release to be delayed, I took this opportunity to pivot, and pray about adding the chapters that I had deleted. In this pivotal process, revelations and downloads became more prevalent, which played an important role in this life-changing process. I am excited to share in this work. I will continue to provide updates regarding the new release date for "Life After Yes". Thank you again for your love, support and positive energy through this journey.

May peace be with you.


Life after yes

You never realize just how much time goes by when you're waiting on that "perfect moment" to happen so that you can break free, breakthrough and change your life... Some of us find ourselves in cycles of not living in a meaningful and fulfilling way to us or we find ourselves watching life roll by while we run around trying to save the world while continually saying "No" to ourselves. Then there is the relentless longing for purpose and happiness that tugs on our souls, distracting us from being present and attuned with what's happening within and around us.


 I recognized that there had to be more to life and my journey than what I was experiencing. After much prayer and contemplation, I packed my "backpack", disconnected from social media and the world as we know it, and embarked upon a powerful journey of healing, self-discovery, soul work, transformation, and enlightenment. This journey would last almost four years, causing a Shift in my life that would usher me into a place of abundance that affected my health, finances, relationships and family. I was no longer thirsty, in pain, out of alignment or questioning myself about everything, I was in a "stone's throw" of reaching my Zenith and I felt more alive than I had ever felt in my life. When I came up for air, I was on the other side of "The Bridge" that connected where I was and where I knew I was destined to be... 


This is my story of the mountains, valleys, category sevens, triumphs, and all The SoulFRUIT and wisdom gained from those experiences.

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